District Band Event - Saturday Feb 5
District X Band Concert
Saturday, Feb 5th at 2p
Hayfield Secondary School Auditorium
Congratulations to our gifted musicians who will represent Justice High School as members of the District X Concert Bands! Nineteen Justice HS musicians successfully auditioned last December and earned a place in these remarkable ensembles. Eight of our musicians also earned the opportunity to audition later this month for the All-VA Concert Band.
The concert is hosted by The Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association (more commonly known as VBODA), an organization of high school, middle school, and elementary school band and orchestra directors within the Commonwealth of Virginia. District Band is an opportunity for outstanding individual student musicians to work with renowned conductors from around the United States.
Musicians meet up with qualifying musicians from schools throughout District X for their first rehearsal on Thursday evening. Rehearsals continue all day Friday and a half day on Saturday, culminating in a concert presentation on Saturday afternoon. Three bands perform: Middle School Band, High School Symphonic Band and High School Wind Ensemble.
It is usually a memorable performance. The musicians play music they've seen for the first time on Thursday evening and with a diverse group of musicians with whom they do not typically play.
Whether you are a current, aspiring, or simply wishful musician, this concert will delight and amaze you.
Join these remarkable students on Saturday at 2p at Hayfield Secondary School! Saturday's concert is free and open to the public.