Band Competition Saturday! Oct 16
Wolves are Marching On!
Band Competition at Freedom HS, Chantilly
Band Competition at Freedom HS, Chantilly
Oct 16th: 9:30a-7:45p
Marching Wolves will compete at Freedom HS this Saturday (Oct 16). All marchers and guard report to the band room at 9:30a to get organized and rehearse. Parents are needed to contribute food and load/unload the truck at JHS. At Freedom HS, we also unload/load the truck, serve food, and support the Front Ensemble as part of the Pit Crew. Many hands make light work, so please help if you can. Click here.
Of course, parents' most important job is to enjoy the show!
For a more complete schedule of events (noting that competition times are approximate), please see our band calendar.
Thank you in advance!!