It's Tag Day!!

We need your help - and there's no driving involved!

Tag Day is the largest single fundraiser to support our band program. We collaborate with chorus and orchestra, and 100% of donations support the music department. This covers specialist clinics, supplies, uniforms, and instruments for both marching and concert bands - things FCPS doesn't fund. For more information, see: Virtual Tag Day 2020.

You help in two ways:
1) Please consider making a tax-deductible donation by mail or online at:
2) Please help us spread the word by asking your families and friends to contribute, posting it on your personal and neighborhood listservs and social media sites. We're proactively promoting between now and Thanksgiving.

To make it easier for you to spread the word, we've created a flyer and text you can copy/paste to share by email or on social media. 

Questions? Contact us: